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selected work

From intuitive mobile apps that aid daily tasks to web platforms that redefine online interactions, each project is a testament to my dedication to creating meaningful connections between users and technology....... and more importantly shows my UX progression in 6 months.

– an app for digital nomads

Vagabond is to help digital nomads easily organize and locate spaces that cater to their needs to solve having to heavily research numerous spaces to work from whilst traveling unfamiliar areas. An app that helps remote workers find places to stay and places to sit and work while they’re traveling that are suitable to their needs.

vagabond mock up 1.png

– pocket nicotine anonymous 

When I was growing up, E-cigarette culture was non-existent. Today, 2 out of 10 people smoke nicotine. Users have the intention to quit whilst some are prone to fail or relapse. The #Quitnic app provides a safe place where quitters can effectively and comfortably "nicotine-cleanse". Our platfor keep users accountable of their habits and provides distractions in real time when nicotine urges arise.


– removing the olfactory haptics of fragrance shopping

Aromes was created to help our users make scent decisions easier. A platform to be used alone or together with in-store assistance.

desktop mockup.png


– website redesign

Redesign a non-profit website to instill user trust by improving the overall aesthetics and navigation. The solution involves implementing transparency measures during the donation process, providing users with a personalized experience.

vagabond mock up 1.png

website redesign 

I redesigned like a 15 minute city; accessible to all and gets me from A to B efficiently. Redesign focused on improving the navigation, organisation and information architecture of the existing site.



Manipulating emmiting light, by using human centered haptics to inform experiences within a confined 2 meter wide site on Cockatoo Island 

 – to provoke unawareness 

This showcases the architectural design process, like UX design, revolves around understanding user needs, creating intuitive spaces, and ensuring a seamless experience through thoughtful planning and iteration.

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